Sunday, January 3, 2016

SLC Important Full Forms:

Full Forms:
1.            ABC – Atanasoff Berry Computer
2.            ADSL – Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
3.            AI – Artificial Intelligence
4.            ANSI – American National Standards Institute
5.            ARP – Address Resolution Protocol
6.            ARPANET – Advance Research Project Agency Network
7.            ASCC – Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator
8.            ASCII – American Standard Code for Information Interchange
9.            ATM – Automatic Teller Machine
10.        AVI – Audio Video Interleave
11.        BASIC – Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
12.        BBS – Bulletin Board System
13.        BCD – Binary Coded Decimal
14.        BCR – Bar Code Reader
15.        BIOS – Basic Input Output System
16.        BIT – Binary Digit
17.        BLOG – Web Log
18.        BNC – Bayone-Neill-Concelman
19.        bps – Bit per second
20.        CAD – Computer Aided Design
21.        CBT – Computer Based Training
22.        CCD – Charge-Coupled Device
23.        CCTV – Close Circuit Television
24.        CD – Compact Disk
25.        CDMA – Code Division Multiple Access
26.        CD-R – Compact Disk Recordable
27.        CD-ROM – Compact Disk Read Only Memory
28.        CD-RW – Compact Disk Rewriteable
29.        CISC – Complex Instruction Set Computer
30.        CLI – Command Line Interface
31.        CMOS -  Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
32.        COBOL – Common Business Oriented Language
33.        CODASYL -  Conference on Data System Languages
34.        CPAV – Central Point Anti Virus
35.        CRT – Cathode Ray Tube
36.        CSMA/CD – Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
37.        CSU/DSU – Channel Sense Unit / Data Service Unit
38.        CUI – Character User Interface
39.        CVT – Constant Voltage Transformer
40.        DARPANET – Defense Advance Research Project Agency Network
41.        DBMS – Database Management System
42.        DDL – Data Definition Language
43.        DML – Data Manipulation Language
44.        DNS – Domain Name System
45.        DOD – Department of Defense
46.        DOS – Disk Operating System
47.        DPI – Dots Per Inch
48.        DRAM – Dynamic Random Access Memory
49.        DVD -  Digital Video/Versatile Disk
50.        E-Commerce – Electronic Commerce
51.        EDI – Electronic Data Interchange
52.        EDP – Electronic Data Processing
53.        EDSAC – Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer
54.        EDVAC – Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
55.        EEPROM – Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
56.        E-Fax – Electronic Facsimile
57.        EFT – Electronic Funds Transfer
58.        E-mail – Electronic Mail
59.        EMI – Electro Magnetic Interference
60.        ENIAC – Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
61.        EPROM – Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
62.        FAQ – Frequently Asked Question
63.        FIFO – First In First Out
64.        FLOPS – Floating Point Operation Per Second
65.        FORTRAN – Formula Translation
66.        FTP – File Transfer Protocol
67.        GIF – Graphics Interchange Format
68.        GIGO – Garbage In Garbage Out
69.        GPL – General Public License
70.        GPRS – General Packet Radio Service
71.        GUI -  Graphical User Interface
72.        HTML – Hyper Text Markup Language
73.        HTTP – HyperText Transfer Protocol
74.        IBM – International Business Machine
75.        IBT – Internet Based Training
76.        ICT – Information Communication Technology
77.        IETF – Internet Engineering Task Force
78.        IPX/SPX – Internet Packet Exchange / Sequential Packet Exchange
79.        IRC – Internet Relay Chat
80.        IRTF – Internet Research Task Force
81.        ISAM – Indexed Sequential Access Method
82.        ISDN – Integrated Services Digital Network
83.        ISOC – Internet Society
84.        ISP – Internet Service Provider
85.        IT – Information Technology
86.        JPEG – Joint Photographic Experts Group
87.        kbps – Kilobit Per Second
88.        LAN – Local Area Network
89.        LCD – Liquid Crystal Display
90.        LED – Light Emitting Diode
91.        LISP – List Processing
92.        MAC – Media Access Control
93.        MAN – Metropolitan Area Network
94.        MAPI – Messaging Application Programming Interface
95.        MBR – Master Boot Record
96.        MICR – Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
97.        MIDI – Musical Instrument Digital Interface
98.        MILNET – Military Network
99.        MIPS - Million Instruction Per Second
100.    MIS – Management Information System
101.    MODEM – Modulator Demodulator
102.    MOS – Mercantile Office System
103.    MPEG – Motion Picture Expert Group
104.    MUK – Multimedia Upgrade Kit
105.    NAC – Network Access Control
106.    NAT – Network Address Translation
107.    NetBEUI – NetBIOS Extended User Interface
108.    NIC – Network Interface Card
109.    NITDC – National Information Technology Development Council
110.    NOS – Network Operating System
111.    NSF – National Science Foundation
112.    NTC – Nepal Telecom
113.    NTFS – New Technology File System
114.    OCR – Optical Character Recognition
115.    OLE – Object Linking and Embedding
116.    OMR – Optical Mark Reader
117.    OOP – Object Oriented Programming
118.    PDA – Personal Digital Assistant
119.    PDF – Portable Document Foundation
120.    PNG – Portable Network Graphics
121.    POP – Post Office Protocol
122.    POS – Point of Sale
123.    POST – Power On Self Test
124.    PROM – Programmable Read Only Memory
125.    PSTN – Public Switched Telephone Network
126.    PSU – Power Supply Unit
127.    PUK – Personal Unblocking Key
128.    QBASIC – Quick Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
129.    RARP –Reverse address Resolution Protocol
130.    RDBMS – Relational Database Management System
131.    RF – Radio Frequency
132.    RIP – Routing Information Protocol
133.    RJ-45 – Registered Jack-45
134.    RPG – Report Program Generator
135.    RTP – Real Time Protocol
136.    SDSL – Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line
137.    SHF – Super High Frequency
138.    SIMM – Single In-line Memory Module
139.    SMPS – Switch Mode Power Supply
140.    SMS – Short Message Service
141.    SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
142.    SPAM – Stupid/Short Pointless Annoying Message
143.    SQL – Standard Query Language
144.    SRAM – Static Random Access Memory
145.    STP – Shielded Twisted Pair
146.    TCP/IP – Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
147.    Telnet – Terminal Emulation
148.    TIFF – Tagged Image File Format
149.    UHF – Ultra High Frequency
150.    UNIVAC -  Universal Automatic Computer
151.    UPC – Universal Product Code
152.    UPS – Uninterruptible Power Supply
153.    URL – Uniform Resource Locator
154.    USB – Universal Serial Bus
155.    UTP – Unshielded Twisted Pair
156.    VAN – Value Added Network
157.    VCD – Video Compact Disk
158.    VDT – Video Display Terminal
159.    VHF – Very High Frequency
160.    VLSI – Very Large Scale Integration
161.    VOIP – Voice Over Internet Protocol
162.    VR – Virtual Reality
163.    VRML – Virtual Reality Modeling Language
164.    VSAT – Very Small Aperture Terminal
165.    W3C – World Wide Web Consortium
166.    WAN – Wide Area Network
167.    WAP – Wireless Application Protocol
168.    WAV – Window Wave Format
169.    WiFi – Wireless Fidelity
170.    WiMAX -  Wireless Interoperability for Microwave Access
171.    WLAN – Wireless Local Area Network
172.    WPA – Wireless Application Protocol
173.    WWW -  World Wide Web


Jitendra limbu said...

Thanks man copy gare ra print gare hai please don't mind ..............

Unknown said...

plz help me .write a sub procedure to generate following.... 5102035,5580110.....upto 10 terms

Unknown said...

write a sub procedure to find factorial

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Thanks ....this page is quite good for students

Me said...

It really helped me a lot

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